Easy Resources to Improve Health & Prevent Disease with PREVENTION

Prevention IS the best !! 

If you can prevent heart attacks, strokes, and cancer then WHY not? 

SO I wanted to inform you and give you some resources that you can order on your own:

  1. Life Line Screening 

Preventive health screenings help people understand their risk for developing chronic conditions before symptoms are present, enabling them and their doctors to take action to potentially prevent disease. The preventive health screening services provided by Life Line Screening use three accurate, non-invasive health screening methods to identify risk factors that can lead to cardiovascular disease, stroke, peripheral artery disease, osteoporosis, and other serious illnesses.

Since 1993 Life Line Screening’s preventive health screening services are designed to identify risk factors that can lead to heart disease, stroke and other serious illnesses. They use three non-invasive methods to get you lab-accurate results and recommendations you can review with your doctor.

2. Her Scan Mobile Breast Ultrasound

The power of an ultrasound can increase the detection of breast cancer from approximately 48% to 97%, particularly in women with dense breasts. Ultrasound screenings are capable of detecting cancers that cannot be found by mammography and physical exams alone. Sometimes mammograms and physical exams just are not enough, particularly in women with dense breasts.

Fast, Affordable and Convenient access to important ultrasound technology. Book your HerScan ultrasound appointment at a health event near you.

Did you know in Charlotte, you can not get an ultrasound without a Mammogram, so using Her Scan Mobile Ultrasound you can by pass that and get what you need!!


Questions? Have results and not sure what to do? GIve us a call to schedule 704-543-5540